
Association of Leading Women Researchers in School of Engineering, Tohoku University


Research presentations were made by the “Mate-jo LABO”, a research experience activity for female high school students.


Mate-jo LABO, a program for female high school students to experience research activity at Tohoku University, is organized by the Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences. The “Mate-jo LABO” program provides a series of hands-on training of experiments on nano-materials science during summer vacation, following data compilation, discussion, and presentation of results.

On March 11, Matejos presented the culmination of this year’s research results titled “Structure and Magnetic Properties of Fe-SiO2 Films by Slow Tandem Sputtering” at the annual meeting of “Exploring-Germination-and-Growth program for young Scientists”.

東北大学工学系女性研究者育成支援推進室 ALicE
東北大学工学系女性研究者育成支援推進室 ALicE

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