Subsidies for Babysitting Fees in Engineering
1. Program Objectives
This program provides subsidies to help with the costs of babysitting and childcare facilities, with the objective of helping engineering academic / administrative staff members and students (regardless of gender) who have children maintain a balance with respect to work and childcare.
Having to give up a career or suffering a reduction in research opportunities due to childbirth or childcare is not only a problem for individuals, but also represents a significant loss for their institution, their field, and society in general.
This support program is unique to the engineering fields and is based on the ‘providing work-life balance support and improving conditions’ principle in Tohoku University’s ‘Action Guidelines for the Promotion of Gender Equality’ published in 2013.
2. Details
Applications will be accepted during the appropriate period every six months, and individuals for whom subsidies are deemed essential following a screening process will receive said subsidies.
However, the amount allocated may be reduced having taken into account the applicant’s situation, the budget situation, and so on.
Range Of Support
- In principle, the period of support is from April 1st until late March.
- The first program period is from April 1st until September 30th, and the second program period is from October 1st until late March.
- Expenses for the use of babysitters, childcare facilities, temporary or extended childcare (daily fees), etc. will be applied mainly for the purposes of balancing childcare and research activities or work such as conducting research, lectures, student guidance, business trips, conferences participation, meetings and assisting the administration of entrance exams.
- Extended daycare on a monthly basis and other services that are considered part of a permanent childcare system are not eligible for subsidies.
- In principle, the subsidy covers fees related to childcare services provided by babysitters etc. (including transportation costs for picking-up and dropping-off, and any surcharges for working in the early morning or at nights), and does not include fees such as housekeeping services fees, initial admission fees, annual fees, cancellation fees, etc.
- The temporary use of childcare and post-illness childcare at the university’s on-campus childcare facilities are not covered by the subsidy.
Application Process
Prepare the attached documents: 1. Babysitter Fees Subsidy Application Form, 2. the Reference Materials document, 3. Notification of Babysitter Fees, and 4. the Invoice for Babysitter Fees, along with a receipt with date of use and total fee. Submit these first to the General Affairs Division of the applicant’s department to be compiled, then to the General Affairs Desk in the General Affairs Division of the Department of Engineering by the following deadlines.
Submission Deadline: First round: October 31st, Second round: March 19th (Subject to change depending on the year)