
Association of Leading Women Researchers in School of Engineering, Tohoku University

Subsidies for Babysitting Fees in Engineering

All engineering researchers raising children can subsidize babysitting and temporary childcare fees. There are two application periods per year, in September and February. Application documents can be downloaded from our website.

Range Of Support

  • In principle, the period of support is from April 1st until February 28th.
  • The first program period is from April 1st until September 30th, and the second program period is from October 1st until February 28th.
  • Expenses for the use of babysitters, childcare facilities, temporary or extended childcare (daily fees), etc. will be applied mainly for the purposes of balancing childcare with research, lectures, teaching, business trips, conferences, etc.
  • Extended daycare on a monthly basis and other services that are considered part of a permanent childcare system are not eligible for subsidies.
  • In principle, the fee for childcare services provided by a babysitter, etc. (including transportation costs for pick-up and drop-off and additional fees for early morning and evening daycare), and incidental fees such as housekeeping services, admission fees, annual fees, cancellation fees etc. are not eligible for subsidies.
  • The temporary use of childcare and post-illness childcare at the university’s on-campus childcare facilities are not covered by the subsidy.

Application Process

Prepare the attached documents: 1. Babysitter Fees Subsidy Application Form, 2. the Reference Materials document, 3. Notification of Babysitter Fees (as well as how many times you have used the subsidy), and 4. the Invoice for Babysitter Fees (including how many times you have applied), along with a receipt with date of use and total fee. Submit these first to the General Affairs Division of the applicant’s department to be compiled, then to the General Affairs Desk in the General Affairs Division of the Department of Engineering by the following deadlines.

Submission Deadline: First round: October 31st, Second round: February 28th (Subject to change depending on the year)

Nursery/Resting Rooms

Nursery Room” Zundanu-kids room”

For all faculty and students in Engineering, we provide a nursery space for the temporary care of children, and a quiet resting room for those requiring a space to rest or breastfeed. It can also be used for temporary childcare during meetings or academic conferences.

Hours of Operation: Weekdays from 8:30 am until 5:00 pm
For use of the room during weekends and holidays, please contact us.

Use of this service requires prior application. Please follow the application procedures below to apply and receive permission to use the facilities (apply up to one year prior to and at least 3 days prior to the planned date of use. For emergency use of the service please contact us).
The use of the nursery and resting rooms is done at your own risk, and management will not be held responsible for any accidents. Please observe the following guidelines when using the nursery or resting rooms.

Women’s Resting Room

These rooms are equipped with sofa beds and blankets, partitions and curtains, refrigerator/freezers, bathrooms, showers and toilets, and can be used by female faculty, staff, and students for resting when they are not feeling well during pregnancy or after childbirth, as well as for nursing, breastfeeding, and changing diapers.

Operating Hours: Weekdays from 8:30 am until 5 pm
For use of the room during weekends and holidays, please contact us.

For information on men’s resting rooms, please contact the Staff Welfare Desk (3rd floor , the Central Building, ext. 4290).

Dispatching Research Support Staff

We dispatch research support personnel (administrative assistants) to provide support to researchers who are struggling to secure research time. The aim of this program is to maintain and promote a balance between research and childcare/nursing care and social contributions. Recruiting will begin in March.
Schedules for dispatch of staff support services to each lab will be determined after consultation.

Period: From April (as needed)
Eligible applicants: faculty from engineering departments with main offices or residence located in the Aobayama area.
Duties of the administrative assistant: Organize documents, prepare documents required for travel expenses and purchase of goods, etc.
*The duties of the administrative assistant are to provide light administrative assistance to the research activities of the applicant, not to provide technical support.

If you would like to apply to receive administrative assistance, please fill out the following information and send to ALicE by email with the following subject:

Dispatch System for ALicE Research Support Staff (Administrative Assistant)
Age of child (including due date if pregnant):
Spouse: Living together / Living separately
Preferred days of the week: (dispatch workers will be dispatched for approximately 6 hours per day)
I have applied to university-wide support system: Yes/No
Other Remarks:

Additionally, from 2019, there has been a significant change in the university-wide personnel for research support program.
Please refer to the following link before applying.

TUMUG Support https://dei.tohoku.ac.jp/

東北大学工学系女性研究者育成支援推進室 ALicE ページトップ